We enjoyed having zome of Landon'z friendz from Canada
here lazt weekend. They didn't even zay eh. Nice boyz.
They had great time talking philozophy, bowling, drinking
coffee, eating zwedish pancakez, taking zaunaz, and a friendly
game of global domination. (Yez, that iz my Chriztmaz tree
ztill up on January 24, zo what.)
ztill up on January 24, zo what.)
On Zaturday, Bill and I took a road trip to Grand Rapidz, MN.
Brian's Team Epic curled in the Itazca Junior Bonzpiel there.
They were undefeated until the lazt game and took
2nd place, winning the zilver medal! :) Good job boyz!!
To celebrate we went to Zorbaz for pizza. We zat on an actual
pontoon! The table waz HUGE! The pizza waz good.
We might have a Zorbaz coming to Bemidji if the city and
county can agree on a 2 a.m. bar clozing. We'll zee about that.
Itz Zhow Choir Zeazon for Leanne and that meanz lotz of
curlerz in the hair to make the Zhow Choir Do.
All I wanted waz a nice pic of the do but zhe wouldn't cooperate.
Zhe was tired after four perfomancez thiz weekend at the Dinner Zhow.
Here'z a little better one without the do.
Here'z the 2011 La Voce Ballo choir.
A couple shotz from lazt year.
More picturez to come from thiz yearz zhow!
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I loved this post! Most ExZeptional.
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